Thursday, August 9, 2007

Why I Like Killer Whales

First of all, i personally think that Killer Whale or scientifically known as Orcinus Orca is an amazing creature. Being the coolest looking mammal with a kick ass 'outfit', it never fails to capture my heart to stare and be fascinated over it's black and white features. They're like very smartly dressed in a tux.

Orcas, technically has no threat at all..besides human. Even so, human kept Orcas in captivity for a slight good cause. They dont kill em like they do sharks and whales for consuming or other purposes. Apart from human, Orcas are not involve in the food chain system (or at least,not while they're swimming and alive..).Known to travel in pax, they would eat just about anything from penguins to seals to whales and even the overrated Great White. Bein a groupie, they hunt together and are very helpful and caring towards every member of its clan.A member would go to the extend of risking itself bein washed ashore to save a beached orca by bein closer to encourage and give much needed moral support. Aren't they such darlings..?

Unlike sharks who swam haywire-all over the place in the ocean, Orca swims gracefully..This cool creature can make one hell of a jump over the ocean surface and stylishly flips its tail in a very dexterous manner. Bein so obsessed with men's arms, I always thought that the Killer Whale's flipper plays pretty much the same role. It's so mascular and gorgeous-the bigger the better.

Apart from that, i find the Orca's set of teeth so cute and neatly fitted in its mouth making them look so adorable and cheeky. Compared to their body size, Orca tooth looks cuteness!

All in all, i think Orca's a very intriguing and handsome creature. They're free to roam the ocean and they're never on its own..Having blessed with much needed intelectuality and ability to commute with one another, makes me think that they're living perfectly blissed on this planet we share.