Sunday, January 20, 2008

Becoming Jane

It's quite rare nowadays to see movies with an ending less predictable or script writing that touched u to the core and left u linger with the thought of what's said for days and think about the rational in it. Anyway, yesterday while i was bored to death and contemplating wether to jump off my 20thfloor apartment or eat everything edible in the fridge till i bloat and burst like bubble, i followed my better judgement and lock myself in front of the tv and watch dvd instead. (while laying on sofa like a beached whale and munching on chips like potato!)

That's right, i watched Becoming Jane starring Anne Hathaway. It was a bloody good movie..(for me la at least) but I'd bet my sarcasm to Alfie and stop bein such pain in the ass for him if every other people who loves good literature, good pictures, brilliant talking and doesnt agree with me.

Anyway, id let you do the watching and reviewing yourself..
Perhaps i'll share some of my fav lines from the this one part, Jane (Anne Hathaway) and Tom were reviewing a reading that Tom suggested Jane to read. Jane bein a writer, naturally condems his choice of book while implying an irony towards him (cuz she viewed him as an ignorant man what with his reputation and all) so Tom defended
'Vice leads to difficulty, virtue to reward, bad characters come to bad end..' and Jane replied 'But in life, bad characters often thrive, take yourself..' and another line by Wisley 'sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom'

Well evertheless, Jane was bein a hard headed not wanting to give in to a man's opinion and all..but that's just some part of a fecking impressive script writing..not to mention good pictures/scene/set of the movie. And that Tom Lefroy is one fine looking male and no doubt, he's my kind of guy..very.

pis: I laughed, cried and even jumped with excitement at some part of the show...Was indeed an effective directing

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bagai Bintang Yang Setia Pada Bulan

Last night as I mutated into a Duracell bunny and work my ass off, typing, short-cutting, desingning and staring staight into the monitor (I swore, i could have break the screen with a Cyclops blaze thru my eyes) was a very busy day..But anyhow, as usual, the earphone is always plugged on my ears and as my pod shuffles from song to song, this one particular chorus got my attention away from work for a moment..

I cant exactly recall what song it was and i gave up browsing and listening to one by one of the trillions of malay songs in my pod but anyway, i remember the exact line regardless..That, i wrote as the title of this posting.
I just cant help but wonder, how on earth did whoever came up with that idiom/saying/whatever-u-wanna-categorize-it came up with it?..
fine, even can that idiom (according to some) be over used (cuz ive heard it couple of times..and y do those people who choose to use it or even worse, those who fall for it, choose to believe in it to describe one's loyalty?

Cuz i seriously dont think that stars are indeed loyal to the most nights, about during daytime? how about raining nights (when it gets more gloomy or cold or cozy or sad) when one needs their significant other even more on most cases...and not to mention the nights when its not raining and hot and there still isnt stars surrounding abt that?

Well, i just think that probably I should make things right by twisting the idiom and use it to describe some people who likes to sit around and go MIA for no apparent reason instead cuz really, if they used 'star' to describe a lover then id say they're overrating it cuz during nights, moon should be getting all the credits for bein a sole-main providor for much needed source of light (moon : great/loyal/responsible lover cuz they're always there (even if there are nights when they're not there, give it a might be having cold or something) while stars dont really hav effect while they sit there bein pretty and doin nothing (stars even uses moonlights to be star : pisau cukur)..

So probably, we should amend that phrase..keeping the moon and probably change stars to sun or the night or the darkness perhaps...cuz at least sun and moon-they give and take and still be there for each other (cept for once in a blue moon, eclipse, just consider the moon bein selfish like men or the sun is having PMS-something we just cant avoid..)