Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Winning Eleven Cometh

Another Friday night of staying in..this time, different ambience altogether. Yeah, Ive spend the last 4 to 5 years in a household echoed with screams and yells from the Play Station fanatics..apart frm the occasional shriek of gedikness of my sister choke-slamming Wrestling, there's seldom a straight hour of undisturbed silence. Either my brothers fighting over shit stuf like the memory stick, the mockings of red cards and panelties or simply, my dad's cursing against the curbs of Gran Turismo.

Anyhow, apart from The Muppets Race that I could only muster so gracefully to the finishing line..never has it oocur to me that i'll b fascinated enough to know what Counter Strike's all about, to google for cheats for the SIMS or let alone to be stuck watching a full game of the infamous soccer game, Winnig Eleven..somehow, changes r healthy..hence, i got stucked watching not 1 but endless rounds of thy game..even saw the swirly field-whatever that means

Yeah..I yawned alright..for the 1st 2 games at least..while trying to concentrate on the book that i brought along (i knw id b needing it) but somehow after scanning the pages twice and still couldnt figure what ive been reading for the past 45mins, i give in, put down the book and tried to see whats all the chaos all about.

Now I understand..why my man and his merry men are so indulged in it. It is rather fun. and I did laugh ( sincerely) when the guy was given the virtual red card and the desperate crossover during the last minutes and the virtual topple of the winning team and many more manly fun things they do like switching off the tv to mock the opponent..(i could feel their agony)

The thought of guys being glued to the LCD screen for hours used to be so what the hell do they do, man..but then, I realized, it is kinda interesting..and Im glad to hav tagged along coz now I know..when a man said, they'd be out gaming with the guys, I am convinced that there's pretty much nil-room to slot hanky-pankys coz they seemed to be putting in heart and soul into the game like they're really on the field kicking balls..sigh..what can I just wanna play/talk/sleep/eat/toy balls.

who r we to be standing pretty within the aplitude..(mcm muat pun.. :p)

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