Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rules of Bitching

I've gotta admit, and agree with all my heart that bitching (and gossiping) is a bloody pleasant way to kill our time. Not to mention, it gives us the rush of excitement while talking about one's flaws and loathsome contour..Yes, in a way, we feel good doing so, thinking that, we are better....well, most of the way..(not!)

Over the years of getting closer and closer to the feared number of the 20's, we wake up each day supposedly 'blessed' with an addition of perhaps a tiny dot of aging lines forming anywhere on our body, tarnishing our skin's elasticity accompanied by a maturer mind, a wiser thinking, a better judgement, an amassed perspective of the horizon, an improved comprehension of liveliness and thus, we should've long start working out ways to improve our life 2 b meaningful by commissioning our focus to the means of happiness towards ourselves as well as the dear ppl surrounding us.

Not saying that I've given up on bitching altogether. No, not exactly a saint here. But, Ive grown to learn that if u were to be bitchy, be smart about it..Apply some rules and limitation to it so u dont cross the boundary n jeopardize ur humanitarian values towards others as well as yourself. After all, what goes around comes around and word does travel. So even if u dont give a damn bout others, least to do is, build a fort cuz what came out of your mouth could possibly piroutte to backfire u straight up your very own tight-fecking-arse.

So, here..lets share some little 101 on bitching shall we. (Yes yes, did my practical, experienced to analyze and of course, did my research too..just didn't graduate to write a self-help book on it)

1. Always mirror yourself before talking about others...cliche as it is, NOBODY's PERFECT..nil/no/none/cero/zŽro/illek
2. No matter how goody u potray yourself while bitching, people are not stupid, good/innocent/kind people dont bitch at all.
3. Bitch enemy..not friends, (if u really hav to, pick some1 u can trust so that u dont cater the whole nation the perception that ure such a bad bad friend)..and if u used to doing this, doesnt mean u've to carry-on a jackass forever..(password: CHANGE)
4. Someone who can bitch to u bout others, will definitely bitch about you to others too (especially when they bitch of your own friends, or worse..their very own set of friends)
5. People who listens to you bitching dont necessarily mean they agree to u..perhaps they just dont see a point stopping u. Bout time, u do yourself that favour of shutting up before the whole world deserts u.

Okay, there's some..and here's some more in case u suddenly hav the urge of spilling anyone's secret or something while ure at it..

1. If you hold someone's secret, its probably because they trusted you. So if you're taking the chance to spill it, be prepared to lose your relationship/friendship.
2. Think twice before spilling secret of people who holds your secret too..human beings are naturally reflective/defensive.
3. It's always nice to add up some exageration to ur story-telling to make it more real and, be sure to do ur research so u dont end up looking like a fool..
B*: did u know that 'V*' is turning into a drug addict?
F*: really? what makes u think so?
B: cuz its affecting his work and if he cant get enough dosage, he'll even use baby powder as a substitute.
F: *nodding*believing*
F: what does it hav to do with me? I don't even know 'V' that well
B: Because last weekend I saw him flirting with ur mother.oh ya, btw..I've slept with Lenny Kravitz during his tour last month
F: My mom's dead..but, wow! Lenny kravitz? you're awesome! will u be my idol?

summary/conclusion/(wtv u call it):
a) Before accusing V of having work problems, she should ensure that V wasn't recenly promoted/succeeded/ launched a big project..
b) hmm, i don't know how to relate baby powder with drugs..but i know i'd be very very rich if I can get anybody to prove that u can get high with it. anyway, maybe we should all use drug and improve our common sense? (, not paracetamol..some kind of the OTC supplements perhaps?)<--research please
c) Maybe B should start wondering why she only has a foolish F to still be interested to listen and believing her every yip-yapping
d) B should make sure that F doesn't have anything to do with URTV, Mangga, BBC, NBC, CNN or whatever networking/publications/broadcasting source that spreads news/gossip or does research to dig the truth out of her stories of people or of her own
e) Lenny Kravitz? come on..

u see..laugh as u might. People does get pretty carried away with words sometimes. im sure there r worse out there.Some still lies.Some make up stories to look good/cool.Some twist to hide their own wrongs.all sorts. Anyway, can't blame them cuz perhaps they're lacking somewhere. It's a pity, u see for all three of the names mentioned in the example. Cuz at least, one of them falls a victim of another's obsession with bitching whatsoever. No matter if it's true or not entirely or not completely, words can eventually get questions arose, doubts blooming and beliefs shaterred. so let's ponder the rational behind my blabbing this time. Even myself needs to be reminded from time to time regarding this quality we carry in ourselves due to excessive exposure to the closed-mentality of part of our own community. Let's just mind our own happiness.

Getting people u love bridging your trust,
is known to have the deepest impact in anyone's life..
being judged by your own affiliates will only do you good
with crushing your own confidence..
Choose to love people who deserve to crush you.

*bukan nama sebenar

1 comment:

  1. ouch!!! im sure it's gonna hurt anyone who thinks that they bitched around...anyway,anyone out there who still keeps on bitching about ppl should just stop...U PPL SHOULD GET A LIFE,MINGLE AROUND AND DONT JUST STAY IN UR OWN COCOON..IT'S NOT HEALTHY!!! *yg bukan nama sebenar tu...seriosly dude,stop talking bad bout ppl..ure not that great urself..*
